One in 80 000
Apparently says Seth Godin, blogger extraordinaire, there are 80 000 new blogs created every day. It’s a bit sort of depressing, isn’t it? Just when I was struggling with relevance, there’s that figure. I almost want to post a picture of a cat doing something funny:
This post is just to briefly sing the praises of some other blogs among the millions (millions I tell you!) out there that have been recommended to me by my sensible friends that I keep going back to, again and again for either advice or a laugh or because I really don’t want to be doing what I should be doing.
First up I should point out that I am not specifically primal or vegetarian or sugar-free or anything-arian or religious (perhaps not at all) or atheist. I really hate the idea that I might be a fence sitter though: Instead I see myself as taking a little wisdom from all of the above.
Here are some people on the Internet worth checking out.
Sarah Wilson: She has a blog that “makes life better, sweeter” – without sugar. It’s a pretty scary concept but her science is sound and she isn’t fanatical in her approach. You read her little book and her blog and you almost think you could do it. She also puts why good fats are good in very simple, easy to understand language.
Mark’s Daily Apple Mark Sisson is pretty much the king of the primal, or paleo, eating movement and also has some good science on his blog, Mark’s Daily Apple. I really like that while he is devoted to his pathway he is not a purist. I was delighted when I read his advice to someone who was terrified of being offered fresh-baked bread that they’d be a fool not to have some (slathered with butter), even though his main gig is “grain-free”. For an older guy he is also very easy on the eye.
Recipe Rifle: I haven’t been reading this for long but what I have seen so far is hilarious. As one of MSF’s said recently “I want her to move to my town and be my friend”. She offers a recipe with each post and a funny, irreverent update on life in her world. I love her style.
Flourish Magazine: This one is the work of one of my treasured sensible friends. It’s a wealth of recipes, advice, product info, reviews and fashion all based around the idea of living positively. I have a few articles floating around there but what you won’t see is gossip or celebs. A fresh approach to women’s stuff that leaves you feeling a bit better about yourself instead of hopelessly inadequate.
New Scientist Magazine: This isn’t a blog but there are loads of blogs in their blog section. It’s a magazine I love reading and I have zero science cells in my brain so that’s saying a lot about how hard they try to hit a wide audience. It is packed full of absolutely fascinating information like “cannibal insect sex caught on video” and how allergies could serve an evolutionary purpose, and “gut instinct” about the brain that is our stomach (Sarah Wilson talks about this in her blog too).
The Vine: “brings you all the latest news and rumours, facts and hard-hitting opinion, wanton gossip and downright lies, from the world of pop culture, music, fashion, art, entertainment and more..” I wish I was this cool.
There is more. Jude Blereau for instance, Sally Fallon. My lovely friend who I have never met in person; Blayney Colmore. The Cool Hunter, Remodelista. I will get to them another day, soon. But there is no more time on this frantic summer’s eve to get it all down and who wants information overload? It’s enough that there are 80 000 others like me out there today another 80 000 tomorrow (it can’t be true!).
I would love to hear of the ones you follow.
7 Replies to “One in 80 000”
Thanks Serena, added Flourish to my list and already drooling over recipes. Checked out a review of Life of Pi and saw your daughter wrote it 🙂
Hi Jocelyn! (Unlike Serena I have no hesitation in using exclamation marks!) Like her Mum, Claudia has a bit of a talent with words I think. Glad you like the Flourish recipes 🙂 Jane xxx
That is a depressing number. But then, hopefully about 79,950 are for spamming purposes. Have you had any comments/ compliments from them yet?
I follow David Lebowitz (you’d love him Serena) as my favourite foodie. I’ve been following Julie at for years, a very funny and honest account of infertility, pregnancy and children. And finally, a super-earnest Montessori blog. I secretly hope to see a Big Mac wrapper lurking next to a neat stack of wooden toys.
80,000 EVERY DAY. It can’t be so. Well maybe it is…I’m one of those today 80,000 today as I’ve started a ‘My Year of (finally) Decluttering’ blog. It’s on my website so not sure if that still counts. Either way, I’m hoping the publicness of it will make me accountable and ensure I actually DO declutter once and for all!
Loving your My Sensible Friend blog Serena, and thanks for the lovely link xxx
Probably less than 8 that are local
It is so exciting to have a you blogging. As you are my MSF . You are the friend where conversation is never ho hum, the friend who makes me laugh out loud in public, the friend who leaves me feeling like a better me.
So I’m obviously very excited that I can have more of you and your wisdom that is gained from others but so well filtered and articulated by the cleverness and truthfulness of you.
But I will still need a face to face fix on a regular basis !!
I’ve been kept busy with all the new blogs you suggested and excited about making mayo.
seeya x
Have you made the mayo Ali? XX